Le Tarot de Marseille Major ... | |
Le Tarot de Marseille Major Arcana Card Deck Very Rare Limited 22 digital copies - Sold on eBay Apr, 6th 2020 for $125.00 | |
Le Tarot de Marseille Cards Major Arcana 22 digital copies Size 1081 X 2000 dpiAfter payment, you will receive 22 files to the e-mail indicated in the invoice paypal The Buyer is only entitled to print one copy The Buyer may not use files and prints for commercial purposes A self-taught creative savant, St. Petersburg, Russia-based artist Andreev Alexander has worked as an author and curator on various projects, but has recently combined his love of mystical symbols and metaphysical studies to craft a modern rendition of the traditional Tarot de Marseille. ... | |